The Benefits of an Asphalt Driveway
Asphalt driveway is a popular choice for driveway paving. It is durable, easy to maintain, and can save homeowners money over time.

Asphalt fares well in harsh climates, as it resists freeze-thaw cycles and de-icing salts better than concrete. However, the surface does soften under hot temperatures and can stick to shoes, clothing, and car tires.
Asphalt can withstand the pressure of vehicles and other objects driving on it, making it a good choice for areas that see lots of traffic. It is also a popular choice for homeowners looking for a durable material that can hold up against cold weather, snow, and ice. However, a driveway is not immune to the ravages of time and other environmental factors that can cause it to deteriorate.
Over time, asphalt can be damaged by car tire and wheel tracking, water, oil, and chemicals. These substances can degrade the black tar-like substance that makes up asphalt. They can also cause cracking, which may lead to potholes that must be repaired. In addition, if there is a drainage problem in your asphalt driveway, it can cause water to pool. This may require grading or filling in low spots to prevent further damage to the surface.
If you are interested in upgrading your driveway, a professional asphalt installation crew can make it look new again and increase the value of your home. However, it is important to remember that this type of project is best done during warmer temperatures so the work can be completed more quickly. The installation process takes a lot of physical effort and can be very messy. It is also important to hire a qualified contractor to ensure the job is completed properly.
A new asphalt driveway will last for about 20 years, depending on how much use it gets and the climate in your area. A professionally-installed driveway will be resistant to the freeze-thaw cycle, and it will also withstand de-icing salts and other harsh chemicals. It is important to regularly maintain your asphalt driveway and keep it clean, to avoid cracking or premature deterioration.
If you need to park heavy equipment or vehicles on your driveway, a contractor can install a heavier layer of asphalt for extra durability. They can also add a base that is thicker than the finish layer for extra stability. This is especially helpful if you are parking an RV or a trailer and want to protect your investment.
Ease of Maintenance
Asphalt is a very durable material and can be expected to last for a long time, especially when it’s installed by a professional. It does require some maintenance to keep it in good condition, however. Strong UV rays, freeze-thaw cycles in the winter, and deicing products can all cause asphalt to deteriorate and crack over time. Preventative maintenance like a good inspection, regular sealing, and removal of salt deposits will extend the lifespan of your driveway.
When oil or gas spills happen on your asphalt driveway it is important to clean them up right away. These chemicals will break down the surface of your asphalt and over time if they are not cleaned up immediately they will cause damage to your driveway. Likewise, any stains that develop on your asphalt should be removed as soon as possible to prevent the stain from setting in. To do this, a pressure washer can be used to clean the area and then the stain can be removed with a solvent.
After a new asphalt driveway is installed it’s crucial to keep all vehicles off the new surface for at least three days, and 14 days if outside temperatures are above 80 degrees. During this time, it’s best to use caution and block off access with pylons or other methods. Once the curing process is complete, it’s a good idea to have your asphalt paved contractor lay down some gravel on the edges of your driveway to help support it.
It’s also a good idea to have your asphalt regularly sealed, typically every two years. This will protect the underlying stone from water intrusion that can eventually lead to failure. Most of the time, these problems start as hairline fractures in your asphalt driveway. These can quickly expand and become potholes, which will cost you a lot of money in the long run. To fix cracks in your asphalt, you can use liquid or hot pour rubber crack filler. Alternatively, you can use an asphalt emulsion sealer that will refresh your driveway’s dark black color and extend the life of your asphalt.
Asphalt might seem a bit mundane at first glance, but there’s a certain beauty to its smooth black surface. It stands out against the landscape and concrete buildings around it, offering a sleek appearance that elevates the curb appeal of your home. It also looks great in a range of architectural styles, including traditional and modern.
In addition, asphalt can be paved to resemble more expensive materials like stone or brick. This style of paving is known as stamped asphalt and can be done at an affordable rate.
Another way to add curb appeal to your asphalt driveway is to dress it up with cobblestones or decorative pavers. This can be especially effective at the driveway entrance or on the aprons of entryways and garages. You can also use line painting and striping to create unique patterns or symbols on your driveway.
When it comes to maintenance, asphalt requires less work than most other types of paving. This is because asphalt is less prone to cracking than concrete and can be repaired more easily when it does crack. It also doesn’t have the same tendency to oxidize and discolor like other types of paving.
In fact, many homeowners find their asphalt driveways look better with age. They become more interesting as they develop a patina and reflect the surrounding light. Moreover, it’s easy to keep your asphalt driveway looking fresh by regularly repairing any signs of damage and applying a seal coating when needed.
Additionally, some homeowners choose to go green by opting for recycled asphalt. This option uses reclaimed pavement materials to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, and it offers durability and affordability. Moreover, it’s good for the environment since it minimizes the need for oil-based products and other petroleum-based substances. Lastly, permeable pavers allow rainwater to infiltrate the ground and replenish underground water sources. This helps with flood prevention and drought mitigation, and it’s a great choice for sustainable living.
The cost of an asphalt driveway can vary, but is typically less than concrete. The main factor affecting pricing is the scope of the project. It is essential to assess whether you need a full replacement, resurfacing, or repair of your driveway in order to determine the total costs.
The type of asphalt you choose will also impact the final cost. Hot mix asphalt is the most cost-effective and a good choice for most applications. It costs $100 to $200 per ton, and 1 ton can cover an average of 40 to 80 square feet. Recycled asphalt is another option and can be even cheaper than traditional hot mix. However, it may require additional maintenance and may not be as durable.
Other factors influencing pricing include the thickness of your driveway, whether you need a base layer, and if extras like edging or planters are required. If you are installing a new driveway, it may require soil removal or stump removal to prepare for paving. The number of vehicles you need to accommodate will also affect your pricing, as will the addition of curbs and sidewalks.
A driveway sealant will need to be applied to maintain the longevity of your asphalt, and it is important to budget for this as well. It will help your driveway retain its appearance, minimize sand, dirt, and pollen, which can clog drainage voids. A good quality sealant will cost between $5 and $10 per square foot.
While an asphalt driveway has many advantages over other options, the initial cost can be a drawback for some homeowners. If you are concerned about the price, a professional can assist you in comparing the options and find an affordable solution. They can also provide information about resale value and ease of maintenance for each material to help you make the best decision for your home. Find an asphalt paving company in your area to get free, no-commitment project estimates.